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In 2022, the band was awarded a grant from the National Institute of Music and Dance and released its critically acclaimed debut album "Untold". The album attempts to convey the emotions and reflexions resulting from the social and artistic isolation caused by the pandemic. In 2023, Ziolek has toured with the legendary Polish rock band Dżem.

"He plays extremely interestingly and escapes classification into any one style. The highly rhythmic, sometimes motoric, but still delicate and melancholic phrasing is full of original ideas."




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The award-winning band was formed on the initiative of pianist and composer Greg Ziolek.

He invited the bright stars of the young generation of the Polish jazz scene to create an ultimate group of artistic individuals with the same goal to push the boundaries of improvised music and search for new. They marked their presence on the Polish jazz scene by winning the most notable jazz competitions in 2020 and 2021. Their unique sound and approach caught the attention of critics and jazz fans nationwide. In 2022, the quartet won the National Institute of Music and Dance's Phonographic Jazz Debut Competition and released their highly acclaimed debut album "Untold".

"Their music combines irrepressible energy with refined aesthetics of form, surrounded by a mysterious aura of Slavic spirit."



Winners of the National Institute of Music and Dance Phonographic Jazz Debut

Winners of the Grand Prix in the Jazz Individuality Competition at the 59th Jazz nad Odrą Festival

Winners of the Grand Prix in the Blue Note International Competition in Posen

Winners of the Grand Prix in the Jazz Juniors International Competition

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